What's New!

Yep, having another person to write about has set our blog back WAAAAY farther than we wanted it to! Instead of trying to go back and fill in all of the blanks right away we've decided to start where we are right now and then back fill as we have time...

So, read about what we're up to now and then check below for links to past months that we've updated :-)

I'm This Old Today!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Watch Me Grow!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Superbowl Party!

Today we hosted a superbowl party for all of our family and friends in the community room at our apartment! Grandma Judy came over early and had a few early Valentine's day gifts for Madeline - what a lucky girl!!! Grandma Judy and Aunt Alyssa sure picked out some nice things... a Valentine's day outfit, PJ's with hearts, Plus she got a brand new bag of colorful goldfish! After opening gifts we brought all the food and drinks down to the community to get ready for the party. We don't usually cheer for either team, but today we were cheering for the underdogs - Go Giants! Madeline wasn't very interested in the game so it was a good thing Great-Aunt Kim was there to read some stories :-) It was fun, maybe we should do this every year!

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