What's New!

Yep, having another person to write about has set our blog back WAAAAY farther than we wanted it to! Instead of trying to go back and fill in all of the blanks right away we've decided to start where we are right now and then back fill as we have time...

So, read about what we're up to now and then check below for links to past months that we've updated :-)

I'm This Old Today!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Watch Me Grow!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Minnesota State Fair

Today we ventured out to the Minnesota Sate Fair. Besides Madeline getting to try tons of great new foods, there were so many cool things to see!

We went to the hog barn and saw the biggest pig there, but Madeline thought the baby piggies were the best :-)
We went to the cattle barn too. Cousin Jason was there with his purple prize winning cow. Madeline even got to pet it! After a lot of walking around Madeline's aunt Melanie
took her on her first carousel ride :-)We're going to have to go back every year to ride the carousel - she loved it!

Watch our new house being built!