What's New!

Yep, having another person to write about has set our blog back WAAAAY farther than we wanted it to! Instead of trying to go back and fill in all of the blanks right away we've decided to start where we are right now and then back fill as we have time...

So, read about what we're up to now and then check below for links to past months that we've updated :-)

I'm This Old Today!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Watch Me Grow!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Uncle Keith

Uncle Keith has been visiting from Colorado. It has been so fun to have him around for the last couple of days. We couldn't pass up the chance for a picture of Madeline and her uncle Keith, so we just had take one before he left :-) We'll miss him, but he'll be back at the end of June to help us celebrate Madeline's birthday and Aunt Melanie's graduation!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Lately Madeline has been going crazy in her jumper! Here she is mid jump... We all laugh when she jumps and that just makes her jump more :-)
We also video taped her jumping - We'll try and get the video uploaded soon!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sarah's Wedding

Today one of Mommy's best friends, Sarah, got married. We drove all the way to Shawano, Wisconsin, where Sarah grew up. The drive wasn't too bad - only about 4 1/2 hours. Grandma Judy came with us to help watch Madeline. While mom was getting her hair done for the wedding, Grandma took Madeline swimming at the pool in our hotel :-) We got all dressed up for the wedding. Sarah looked so pretty in her wedding dress! Sarah's little girl, Grace, was the flower girl - Madeline loves flowers :-) Grace loved seeing Madeline and gave her big hugs! We can't wait to see all of them again :-)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Well, Madeline isn't quite big enough to start playing softball yet, but since we're back in Minnesota, Mom can play on her old team again :-) The team is made up of Grandma, some of her sisters (Madeline's Great Aunts) and some of our cousins! This was the first time all 4 of the Deutsch girls got to play on the same night
(Mom, Grandma, Aunt Alyssa & Aunt Melanie).
The girls won the game - it was so fun!!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Another Day...

Another day of unpacking. Thankfully the unpacking will go much faster than the packing. Since we're only staying with Grandma Judy until we find a place of our own, we're just putting all of our boxes into Grandpa Ron's old motorcycle shop for storage. We'll take out what we need, but keep most of it ready to move into a new house! Madeline watched from the Pak 'N Play. Wow, that's a lot of stuff! After we finished we went to Belle Plain for German Days. Great Aunt Annie was there to watch our cousin Mitch Paradise wrestle (He's a professional wrestler!). Aunt Alyssa was there too :-) It was exciting - Mitch won!

Friday, May 18, 2007

We're Here!

We made it! Two days and about 850 miles later we made it from Ohio to Minnesota. Since the move happened so quickly, we weren't able to look for a new house before we moved, so we'll be staying with Grandma Judy until we find something we like :-) Soon after we arrived, so did the semi with all of our stuff. We're ready to start unpacking! Madeline cheered us on while she played in the buggy :-)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Is It...

The big day is finally here - we're leaving for Minnesota! Just a few last things to pack up :-) We're ready to go! It's sad and happy all at the same time - we'll definitely miss our first house :-( Minnesota here we come!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One Last Walk Around the Neighborhood

We've had lots of nice walks around our neighborhood, but today is the last one :-(
Negar and Elise came over to walk with us.
After our walk we played in the house for a while. We hope we find such good friends like these in Minnesota.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Good Bye Dr. Plachta

Dr. Plachta has been taking care of Madeline ever since she was born. Today was Madeline's last appointment before we leave for Minnesota. She was given a clean bill of health :-)
We'll definitly miss Dr. Plachta!

Fun on the Air Matress

Madeline's bed isn't the only only one that's already been packed - so has mom and dad's! Their air mattress is fun to play on, so this morning Madeline woke mom up to play :-)

Wake up Mom!

Let's play hide & Seek :-)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Still Packing...

Wow, we have a lot of stuff!!! We're still packing, but now both Grandma & Grandpa Frantz are here to help!
Grandpa read to Madeline while mom and dad kept packing.
Grandma took Madeline outside to watch all of the craziness. Then it was time to say good-bye. Madeline had to make sure she gave extra hugs and kisses because we won't see Grandpa & Grandma Frantz again until July :-( After a hard day of packing Madeline & Mom took a break outside.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Are We Camping ?!?!?

Since Madeline's crib got packed up yesterday she'll be sleeping in her PeaPod for a while... It might feel like we're camping, but mom promised we'd really go camping once we got to Minnesota!

Friday, May 11, 2007

One Last Ohio Play Date

Today we went over to Andrea & McKenna's house for one last play date!
We were so happy that so many of our friends could come to say good-bye.
Madeline played in the grass while Dillon played with his ball.
Then Madeline & McKenna went swinging - thanks McKenna for sharing your swing with Madeline! There were even bubbles!Madeline wanted to share her ball with McKenna & Dillon. After a while we all had to take a break. Then it was time for a wagon ride - Madeline loved it! We're going to have to get her her own wagon soon :-) Our other friends were too little to go outside so we took a picture with them inside. Here is Madeline with Elise, Owen, McKenna & Dillon. Too bad Aiden already left - he missed out on the picture!

Good-bye everyone - We'll miss you!!!

In the Moving Truck it Goes!

Madeline's last day in her first room!

Here she is waking up for the day...

Good-bye room...

One last nap...

All packed up!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Madeline's First Room

We wanted to make sure we got some pictures of Madeline in her room before we started packing everything up for the big move :-)
Then it was back to packing... good thing she likes that laundry basket!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

On You're Marks - Get Set - Start Packing!

We had a lot of showings for the house this past weekend so we held off on the packing to make sure the house still looked nice. We started packing today and began to realize that we have a lot of stuff!
Since Madeline just figured out how to creep, it's been a challenge to keep her out of trouble while we we pack.
So, the jumper
and the laundry basket have really helped :-)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Good-Bye Enchanted Care

Today was Madeline's last official day at Enchanted Care :-(
Madeline made so many friends here, that it was really hard to say good-bye to everyone. Madeline's teachers are really going to miss her...

Ms. Amy


Ms. LeaAnna
All of the her other friends were sleeping when we came to pick her up so we are going to come back next week to get pictures and say good-bye one last time before we head to Minnesota!

Watch our new house being built!