Today Madeline and Mommy drove to Buffalo, MN for a playdate with the Miriovsky girls! Mommy went to High School with Julie (the girl's Mommy). The 3 girls, Lauren (2 yrs.), and twins Ellen & Kate (almost 1 yr.) were so much fun to play with!
It was a really nice day so we took a walk to the park to play!
Here we are swinging...
Madeline went down the slide with Lauren...
and down the twisting slide with Mommy :-)
We had so much fun playing on the jungle gym!
After playing at the park and eating some lunch we went back home, but we already made a promise to set up another play date soon. We can't wait to hang out with the Miriovsky girls again!!!
It was a really nice day so we took a walk to the park to play!
Here we are swinging...