What's New!

Yep, having another person to write about has set our blog back WAAAAY farther than we wanted it to! Instead of trying to go back and fill in all of the blanks right away we've decided to start where we are right now and then back fill as we have time...

So, read about what we're up to now and then check below for links to past months that we've updated :-)

I'm This Old Today!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie

Watch Me Grow!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Madeline's First Solid Food!

She's 6 months old now, and that means it's time for solid food! So we put her in her High Chair and put a bib on her. No food yet, but she seems to like sitting in her chair :-) Her first experience with rice rice cereal - mom thinks the face she's making is pretty funny!

Her second bite gets spit right back out...
but don't worry, because mom will clean it up! Open wide - there's more where that came from! Maybe Daddy will have better luck getting the food to actually stay in her mouth...but Madeline has another idea - she thinks it would be a good plan to try putting cereal and fingers in her mouth at the same time!!!Well, the first experience with cereal was fun. We're sure she'll get better at it every day. We'll just have to practice, practice, practice :-)

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